Sunday, October 26, 2008

Amazing Friends = Amazing Weekend

Admit it. You're amazing. I have the most amazing friends.

So, like, about the hoedown, I was sent on a guilt trip for not going. I did poorly on a midterm and I was perfectly happy going back to my dorm, lying on my bed, feeling fat (girls feel fat when they are depressed, fyi). I was determined to feel this way.

Then, my amazing friend forced me to go. Sorta forced. Inside, I really wanted to have a calm before a storm of a weekend studying.

I really like square dancing. The only think that kinda stinks is that the guy who asks you to dance with him takes you to the floor, you swing once, promenade once, then you get a new partner! And you spend more time with the partner than with the guy you started out with ! Geeze... that part sucks.

Then ::laugh:: we did the Virginia Reel. And I had to dance with a little boy. And I was like, "Crud. This is my fave square dance and I have to worry about whether my partner knows when to peel off, sashe down, etc." So I was kinda upset my VA Reel went like that. BUT then !! they called the VA reel as the second to last dance ! And I got to dance it with a great partner, who almost took my arm off, lol. And, like all PHC dances, it ended with a waltz. And I waltzed. Then my partner decided to tango to a four-step. Haha...

SO THEN ! I was like, Okay. Time to focus - weekend of studying. And here I am... Sunday night. Blogging.

I went to a football game today. And my team won. I was soooo enthusiastic, I actually think that sport-enthusiasts have the right idea. I am def watching more football/baseball games here on campus. I know someone here who watches every PA game (he's actually from Philly), so he's gonna lmk when they come on.

I may be an idiot (for not getting any studying done), but I am a happy idiot.

Ok,,, going to study for real now.

Monday, October 6, 2008

now i understand

ok, so, like, this is my take on guys.

they're not all jerks. some just don't know any better. ;)

it's amazing how once you convince yourself on something about them, they change.

I dont mean to talk about guys as if they are in a totally different class. I mean, when I was a kid, I remember playing flashlight tag in the dark, hiding underneath trailers, and running through the woods with tim and joe's friends. then, i got old enough for mom and dad to decide that my doing that wasn't appropriate and i was kinda miffed. actually, really miffed. alot.

but life isn't over when you get disappointed in any way over a guy, or over guys. why is it that a girl can offend a girl and we get over it but guys are different? because we expect too much from them. and half of the time, they don't know.

but i like the way they try.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Prayer

Dear God:
I don't know why you let things happen the way you do, or why, in your omniscience, you allow things to happen when you know that I'm going to wind up feeling hurt.

If you're trying to teach me a lesson, then I've learned it, I promise. Somewhere, deep inside, I know the truth.

Please take away this thorn and let me be at peace with my life. Send me through the fire once so that my impurities can be melted out of me,. But, dear God, let it be only once and let it be hard so that in the days after I will know no such pain, or loneliness, or hurt.

Let me feel your presence as one who leads me by the hand. Don't let go, because when you do, I lose my direction.

Dwell in my words that others may know of your presence - you're always there, God. Why do you allow us to forget this?

Why is everyone so distant to my inner most feelings? why can I not, in their absence, feel you? Why will you not penetrate every atom of my being?

Break me and use the pieces to make me into the one you want me to be.
