Saturday, February 9, 2008

It May Be A Stupid Golf Cart, But It's My Golf Cart !

Actually, this looks like a Fall Out Boy title. That's why I put it. But the post has nothing to do with a golf cart or Fall Out Boy. Wish it did. Instead you're going to get is a brainload of my evening.

Okay, so day started okay. We went to the Holocaust Museum. Kinda jolting. In order to get class credit, I am to submit a one-page paper on my experience. Since I didn't have an electrifying experience (I always feel torn when reading anything on the Holocaust), I wrote on something that was more than, "Hitler was evil" (which he was), or "Jews were degraded" (which they were), or even a moment-by-moment narrative. "We went inside. We talked to tour guide. We turned off cellphones. We tripped on escalator. We watched kids wipe his snotty nose..." (4/5 of those things happened, btw.). I wrote on Mordechai Aneilewicz and his girlfriend Mira Furcher (I think I spelled that incorrectly. Gimme a break. It's 11:40'ish). It's a truly amazing story of dedication, relatiation and ... sigh. In the morass of the millions of Jews, there were two people who believed in their heritage and strength, but more importantly, they believed in each other. Okay, before I start to re-write my paper here, I'll move on... (It reminded me of the Bogie quote: The problems of two people don't amount to a hill of beans...)

Then, my friend and I went to a coffeehouse and studied. It was a glorious studytime. Then a band came in and set themselves up and... sang. Oh, Zeus, how they sang. Songs like, "Back in the USSR" and "Keep your hands to yourself." Ironically, they sang the song "Women like Sharp-Dressed Men." The band looked like:
1. They lived in their car
2. They had no thought for personal grooming/hygiene and
3. and ... and... all right, i know debaters do things in "3's", but i think two are enough for this one. I wasn't thrilled the band came, but it provided a laugh and you shouldn't regret something that makes ya smile, ya know? Get your kicks when you can...

Anyways, we left when they stopped blocking the door.

Immediately upon leaving, we went to the gym. I worked out for a solid hour. Hour'ish. Well, it felt like an hour. I biked two miles, did 10 minutes of curling 20 lbs, had leg work outs - 10 minutes at a 20 lbs and 10 lbs each, and some arm thing or whatever.

Then, came back, showered and studied.

Gosh, I loved today !

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